Friday, January 16, 2009

Allie Renar defends another accused animal abuser

Allie Renar of is now rallying visitors to a popular fighting dog web to support Stephanie Schweitzer of TNT Kennels in Tennessee.

Here is some information that is familiar with the case, and the crimes Stephanie Schweitzer is accused of:

"A woman was caught fighting pits, and 17 of them were seized. These dogs are mutilated and starved."

"Some of the injuries were absolutely horrifying. One of the dogs had a broken jaw and it had set wrong. It's at about a 45 degree angle opposite the rest of him. He also has a broken leg that wasn't set. You can hear it crunch when he walks. These poor souls don't have any reason to, but they still smile that cute little doggy smile and mush against you for affection. My favorite is this gorgeous little brindle boy. He's got a patch of skin about as big around as a baseball taken out of his back, dangling and dry. But he is SO sweet. I cry every time I look at them. One of them died of starvation the day they were brought in."

"I just found out yesterday that another one of the pits died. They had so little room, they had to put two in a kennel together....Well, they were fine with each other usually, but they would get into about five fights a day. One of them died overnight. It's so pitiful, and there's nothing I can do. "

"Another one dead yesterday. God, they're dropping like flies, and I feel so helpless! Thank you, everyone, for the kind words. It's so hard to see those pleading eyes, begging for love and screaming that they need help."

"They really need more space. A customer heard the fight (employees only around the pits. The rooms are shut off from the public) and they tried to seperate them. The break stick didn't work, and they couldn't get the hose to them."

It's typical that a group that claims to be raising money to fight pit bull bans would instead by using their resources to defend someone accused of horrific animal abuse.

1 comment:

  1. What a scumbag! Thanks for posting this. It's important for people to know that isn't actually helping stop any breed specific legislation. If anything, her actions will fuel future pit bull bans.
